Im afraid if someone is taking pictures of me. I was never like this before. Im playful with the camera, im confident and liked to be photographed. Lately, i noticed that i was way too fat and becoming fatter every day. And with each angle, i am so concious to pose and hide those love handles. I even hated some pictures because of those noticeable bulges on me. I definitely changed size and it doesnt looked good on me.
Until my boss gave me one of the greatest gift last christmas. It was a book from Dr. Will Clower entitled "The French Dont Diet Plan". A natural dietary plan which discourages dieting. Isnt it amazing? With someone who have the most appetite for something worth eating and enjoying everything the table can offer, this book is one of the greatest companion. A much better alternative than those popular dieting plans.Now i am eating rich foods for a hopeful effortless weight loss! And like Julia Child...she believes people should eat what they love. Clap Clap Clap.
So I started reading this book last January and was following the diet plan for a week now. I may say that i havent noticed drastic changes at all on my body weight. But i am more food conscious now. The very popular commercial now says that "it pays to check the label". And that is the secret dieting program. I am more picky on my food. Not wanting any fake foods. Sodas and all those fake fruit juices tastes bad for me now. I just cant take it. Everytime im dining in, im ordering a bottle of water or a cup of tea or coffee instead. And i was enjoying it. I am now looking and very sensitive on the taste of the food. No more chemicals. Food inatake should all be natural. In fact, i feel great.Actually, the book says that loosing weight takes time. But i am not so eager to meet my deadlines. I am enjoying my food, my real foods. And i feel life is all about rich foods!
I know i will look gorgeous again (confident as i may say). That someday, ill be very proud and confident on my looks. It takes time to regain it. But im enjoying every moment of it. No more strict diet plan that makes me pressured. I eat what i love. And i know i will hit it in time...
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