Computer Table for Php 150.00
Wickered Side Table (2pcs) Php 300.00
T shirts for Php 25.00
Pillow cases Php 10.00
Curtains Php 50.00
Plastic Flowers including the vase Php 75.00
Pedestal (terracotta) Php 40.00
This is what i wanted to do, to open a garage sale. I still have pieces that i like to dispose.
I was watching "Clean House" yesterday and was enjoying it. I am so amazed how a house was transformed by getting rid of all the clutters and items that they dont really need. And how did they do that? Well, through a yard sale!
Well, they say, you win some, you loose some, and this is the essence of Clean House, you have to let go of other things to get other things.
Looking at my house right now, i can say, theres a lot of things that i dont really need, things that accumulated in years. Some of them are my purchases, some are gifts and some are just there because of sentimental value. Well, we filipinos tend to be sentimental always, especially the old ones. My mother is keeping ice cream cups, grocery plastic bags, sacks, and disposable spoons, forks and plates! She doesnt even want to dispose all our old clothes and old undies, which she stores in a big plastic bags under the beds! She said, we can use them as rugs during occasions. Well maybe, but how come were storing them for years and we havent used them at all!
For now, i have to make a rule. If a certain object was unused for two years, we should dispose it. I am living in a small space with a limited storage, and keeping things and continuously keeping things if we will not use it will make my house like a storage room full of clutter!
And maybe later on, will seek help from this lady who will help me remove my clutter.Hi niecy, will you clean my house?
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