Yesterday, my niece bought a nice pair of slipper and i was surprised. The colors are there, blue, yellow and green, with same color as my wall!
I am not boasting that the color is a perfect choice, theres still a lot of colors to choose from and maybe those colors are the most suited one for me. In fact, i believe the choosing colors depend on each personal style. Some colors will work for some, others will not. But i think, i made the right combination. I might be justifying the scheme because its already there, painted on my wall but im seeing those colors everywhere. I thought its so unique but im seeing those colors everywhere i go.
The other day, i saw throw pillow cases and i couldnt control myself so i bought another set again. This time, i chose different tones of blue and yellow to match. Im so excited to try it and see the outcome.
My life has been so exciting since i embrace the habit of "DIY" home improvement. It releases the stress and makes me so excited to come home and continuously seek things to improve. I know my family likes our house now than before. And i know this habit will grow until i find the perfect look on my small space.
But i always believe that theres no such thing as perfection. We will continuously improve and make things better, just like my home sweet home.
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